Game and Membership Fees

We keep all fees to a minimum, but still need to cover our costs. Your support is greatly appreciated.

£1 / frame each
or per 30 minute solo practice
  • Flat rate
  • Play as much as you like
  • Attend with a member
  • Be served at The Woodshed Bar
  • Vote at AGMs
  • Play for a home team
£1 / frame each
or per 30 minute solo practice
  • Capped at £3 per session
  • Play as much as you like
  • Attend with members / visitors
  • Serve at The Woodshed Bar
  • Vote at AGMs
  • Play for a home team
Match Fees
£2 / match *
Paid by the home player
  • £5 for champions league matches
  • Additional £1 during peak hours
  • For league matches or competitions only
  • Play as many frames as needed
  • Use any available table
  • Reserve an available table
  • Use of The Woodshed Bar
  • Serve at The Woodshed Bar

Peak hours

Peak hours are defined as 6pm to 10pm, Monday to Friday. The club is generally busiest at this time. Instead of increasing match fees across the board, we have opted to charge £1 more for matches played during peak hours.

This includes all singles and doubles matches, but not organised team games.

How to become a member?

Come down to the club and talk to any current member. Fill in a provided membership form with your contact details, and pay the membership fee (currently £10 / year).

Memberships run until the end of September each year.

Memberships can be renewed from the 1st September each year to run until end of September the following year.

If you're already a member, you don't need to provide your details again unless they've changed. Just write your name, the amount you've paid and 'membership' in the book.

How much is a keyfob?

We have recently installed an electronic lock with keyfobs to allow access to the club for eligible members. Please note these are not automatically available for all members immediately upon joining.

Keyfobs are currently priced at £5 each. You should only need to pay again if your fob is lost. Home captains and committee members are eligible for a free keyfob.

For more information please visit our keyfobs page.