When is the club open?

Our regular opening times are published on the homepage and on our Facebook page. Unfortunately, we do not currently have regular volunteer openers for every week night, but we are hoping to be open more and more as time goes on.

If you are a paid-up member, it is definitely worth joining our dedicated members only group on Facebook. Here you can talk to others and let them know you're looking for a game, as well as hear about events and opening times as they change.

Why become a member?

Members enjoy reduced game fees (see the pricing page), full access to the Woodshed Bar, and the ability to attend and vote at AGMs and other meetings. You must also be a member to join one of our home teams.

How to become a member?

Come down to the club and talk to any current member. Fill in a provided membership form with your contact details, and pay the membership fee (currently £10 / year).

Memberships run until the end of September each year.

Memberships can be renewed from the 1st September each year to run until end of September the following year.

If you're already a member, you don't need to provide your details again unless they've changed. Just write your name, the amount you've paid and 'membership' in the book.

Can I get a key or keyfob?

We have recently installed an electronic lock with keyfobs to allow access to the club for eligible members. Please note these are not automatically available for all members immediately upon joining.

For more information please visit our keyfobs page.

How to use the Woodshed Bar?

The Woodshed Bar upstairs is available to members on an honesty basis. We have no employed staff, so we rely upon everyone recording their purchases and making payment when they take drinks or serve others.

The bar is kept stocked with popular alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, plus some snacks. All drinks should be served in the plastic glasses provided, which are re-usable and dishwasher friendly; please return these to the kitchen after use.

Non-members (visitors) must be served by an active member. Please note we only accept card payments in the bar area, and no change is kept on site.

All members are responsible for keeping the bar clean and tidy.

Is there an age restriction?

We ask that all members and visitors be at least 18 years of age. Younger spectators or players may attend, but they must be accompanied by an adult who can take full responsibility for them.

As we have delicate match qualiy cloths, antique tables and a bar accessible to members, children should never be left unattended in the club.

Is there parking available?

Limited on-road parking is available on Atlantic Way (please do not block any garages), or in the Kingsley Hall car park accessible via Nelson Terrace. This car park is shared by the Westward Ho! Community Association and you may become blocked in during certain events.